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Ever just sat up in bed in the morning craving a milkshake? Whether it be a classic chocolate milkshake or a fancy cheesecake and strawberry milkshake with swirls of whipped topping, chocolate syrup and crumbled graham cracker over the top, a milkshake is a milkshake and it’s a weakness we all inevitably face at some point in our lives. Maybe multiple times depending on who you are, but I don’t care what some people say, no one is immune if they’ve ever tasted the incredible and wonderful combination of flavors that is a milkshake.

Especially on a hot summer day in Alabama! So where are the best places for a milkshake in Birmingham? We set out to explore every location and every flavor combination and decide for ourselves where the best and most delicious milkshakes could be found. This article is the result. Ready? Let’s go!

Big Spoon Creamery

The heat of the Summer is already kicking in down south, but Alabama has a secret weapon and it’s not afraid to use it! Delicious, cool and creamy milkshakes can be had at the Big Spoon Creamery. If you’re ready to beat the heat with a little swirl of something yummy, look no further than the classics at the Big Spoon Creamery. It just doesn’t get any better than this, yes?

K & J’s Bakery

Whip out the cameras and bring on the dares because K&J’s Bakery in Alabaster is definitely taking the cake for most creative and incredible milkshake creations; almost too good looking to eat! Can you imagine eating a full size cupcake sitting on top of a mound of ice cream, whipped cream and swirly cream? If you’re looking for Instagram and Snapchat worthy milkshakes or even just a really good dare, drive on down to K&J’s and taste the magic for yourselves.

The Cowfish Burger Bar

Yes, the name can be intimidating when it comes to buying and trying a milkshake, but the Cowfish Burger Bar will sweep you off your feet into a world of spiked Milkshakes. That’s right! The Cowfish Burger Bar offers alcoholic milkshake combos you won’t be able to resist and a cool play area for kiddos outside. What’s more, there’s a full bar beyond the milkshakes and an endless stretch of mixing you won’t be able to resist.

O’ Carrs’

If you’re looking for high-end flavors without the price, you’ve come to the right place. Built on simple ingredients, these milkshakes will “wow” you into the world of simple pleasures and life’s biggest surprises which we’ll all agree is incredibly delicious milkshakes in small glasses with small prices. Don’t you agree?

There are plenty of delicious milkshakes to be found in Birmingham. Can you think of any that maybe didn’t make the list but totally deserve to be here? Tell us all about it in the comments!